By 2030, MOPA airport will channel hospitality investments worth INR 2,700 crore

The MOPA airport has already been operational last January. This is the second airport in Goa, bolstering air connectivity to the rest of the country. One of the positive developments reveal that by 2030, the airport will be able to channel hospitality investments worth INR 2,700 crore. With investors keen to purchase new properties, the real estate value is likely to rise by 30% in the coming years.

A large number of investments are on cards, which will transform the real estate industry. According to a recognized real estate group, investments worth INR 2,700 crore will be directed to this area for the development of eco hotels, luxury hotels, homestays, and wellness resorts.

The report reveals that around 1500 new rooms are yet to be added. This will constitute 40% each of the budget and premium segments. The remaining will include concepts like Ayurveda health centres, nature resorts, wellness and eco-hotels.

The coastline of the Konkan region and North Goa are popular. The sea beaches are interspersed with palm trees. Besides, people love the music fests and dynamic nightlife. The adjoining region of Sindhudurg is equally appealing, and people love the green-capped hills, rural backyards, serene lakes, and green forests. All these years, people had limited opportunities to explore the interiors of North Goa. With the development of the MOPA Airport, these areas are all set to be exposed.

The Konkan region has many beautiful places. However, this beauty remains largely unexplored. With more people having access to North Goa with the development of the new airport, these places will emerge as tourist hubs.

The cosmopolitan culture in North Goa and the Konkan region makes it suitable for the residents. Several cultures, including the European, Portuguese, Maharashtrian, and Konkani make it a happening place. Apart from the heritage of the place, people love the cuisine here.

Out of the total investments, 38.5% will be allocated to acquire lands. The rest of the amount will be used for construction and managing other expenses. Evidently, the area will emerge as one of the best places to purchase your property. As the prices are increasing, this would be the ideal time for you to purchase your home.

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